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  • 苏州LTC8551 LTC8552 LTC8553(运放IC)

苏州LTC8551 LTC8552 LTC8553(运放IC)


产品型号:LTC8551 LTC8552 LTC8553

产品封装:SOT23-5L SO-8L MSOP-8L

产品特性:运放ic;工作电压1.8 V - 5.5 V,高静电放电保护;

应用范围:医疗设备 电子称



一、General Description
The LTC855x family of amplifiers provides input offset voltage correction for very low offset and drift through the use of patented fast step response chopper stabilized techniques. This method constantly measures and compensates the input offset, eliminating drift over time and temperature and the effect of 1/f noise. This design breakthrough allows the combination of a gain bandwidth product of 1.5 MHz and a high slew rate of 1.2 V/μs, while only drawing 125 μA supply current. These devices are unity gain stable and have good Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) and Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR).
The LTC855x series are perfectly suited for applications that require precision amplification of low level signals, in which error sources cannot be tolerated, even in which high bandwidth and fast transition are needed. The rail-to-rail input and output swings make both high-side and low-side sensing easy. The LTC855x series can operate with a single supply voltage as low as 1.8 V for 2-cell battery applications.
The LTC855x op-amps have enhanced EMI protection to minimize any electromagnetic interference from external sources, and have high electro-static discharge (ESD) protection (5-kV HBM). All models are specified over the extended industrial temperature range of -40 to +125 .

二、Features and Benefits
1.High DC Precision:
±8 μV (maximum) VOS with a Drift of ±40 nV/(maximum)
– AVOL: 112 dB (minimum, VDD = 5.5V)
– PSRR: 112 dB (minimum, VDD = 5.5V)
– CMRR: 112 dB (minimum, VDD = 5.5V)
– Vn: 0.45 μVPP (typical, f = 0.1 to 10 Hz)
2. 1.5 MHz Bandwidth and 1.2 V/μs Slew Rate
3.Settling Time to 0.1% with 1V Step: 1.2 μs
4.Overload Recovery Time to 0.1%: 35 μs
5.Micro-Power 125 μA per Amplifier and 1.8 V to 5.5 V Wide Supply Voltage Range
6.Operating Temperature Range: -40to +125 

1.Precision current sensing
2.Resistor thermal detectors
3.Temperature, position and pressure sensors
4.Medical equipment
5.Electronic scales
6.Strain gage amplifiers
7.Thermocouple amplifiers
8.Driving A/D Converters 

相关标签:电源管理IC,LTC8551 LTC8552 LTC8553(运放IC),
时间:2020-03-16 09:40:33

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