首页 > MX4191 CPC5 苏州二合一锂电池保护芯片,替代XB7608AJ



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MX4191 CPC5 苏州二合一锂电池保护芯片,替代XB7608AJ

发布时间:2024-10-28 03:00:00来源:http://ss.szxunrui.cn/news1044272.html


MX4191 CPC5 二合一锂电池保护芯片,替代XB7608AJ

1 Features
*Integrate Advanced Power MOSFET with Equivalent of 16m? RSS(ON)
*Low Current Consumption
    Operation Mode: 3.0μA typ.
    Power-down Mode: 2.0μA typ.
*Charge over voltage protection and release
*Discharge under voltage protection and release
*Two-step Overcurrent Detection:Over discharge Current Load Short Circuiting
*Over-temperature Protection
*Support 0V battery charging function
*Ultra-small CPC5 Package
2 Applications
*One-Cell Lithium-ion Battery Pack
*Lithium-Polymer Battery Pack
*Wearable device
*Power Bank
3 Description
  The MX4191 is a single chip protection solution specially designed for 1-cell Li+ rechargeable battery pack application. Also it integrates highly accurate detection circuits and detection delay circuits to prevent batteries from over-charging, over-discharging, over-current discharging and over-current charging. The MX4191 consumes very low standby current for cell longtime storing. The integrated low-Rdson MOSFET ensures that battery delivers the maximum power. The device is not only targeted for digital cellular phones, but also for any other Li-Ion and Li-Poly battery-powered information appliances requiring longterm battery. The MX4191 is available in CPC5 package.


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